Why You Should Take Mold In Your Huntsville Home Seriously
July 17, 2020
Huntsville homeowners have always had to deal with pests. We worry about ticks in the nearby woods, spiders in the basement, and rodents in the attic. We worry about fire ants in our lawn, termite colonies underground, and every now and then, we're concerned about deer devouring the foliage in our yards. However, there might be something else invading your house that you might not have thought about, and it can be a serious problem here in Huntsville: mold.
Many people think mold isn't a serious issue. They only worry about roaches, rats, and raccoons when it comes to pest control. However, if you knew how easily you can incur a mold problem, and how hard it is to get rid of, you’d be a lot more careful about how you take care of potential mold risks.

How Can You Tell If You Already Have A Mold Problem
First of all, you probably have mold somewhere in your home whether it's in your bathroom, basement, kitchen, or your walls, so be sure to use your senses to check carefully. Since mold thrives in damp, humid, warm areas in your home, you’re most likely to see the visible signs in areas of the homes that harbor moisture. Molds are actually types of fungi. It is a living organism that can grow in your drywall, ceiling tiles, under the sinks, and around the pipes of your home under the right conditions. Mold occurs easily without proper care, so be on the lookout for the following warning signs:
Mold odor: A strong, musty scent that can’t be attributed to much else.
Visible signs of mold: Mold comes in a variety of colors and forms. They can appear as white threads on your walls or surface as brown, black, or grey clusters. There are also orange and purple molds that will grow behind wallpaper.
Water damage: If there is moisture that exists in your home for an extended time, you’ll incur mold easily. As you look around your house, any signs of moisture damage like discolored walls, water stains, cracked or peeling paint, bubbling on the drywall, then you could have a mold infestation. Even bad flood damage from years before is a good sign that you have a current mold issue.
Leaking pipes: Any pipes that have heavy condensation or even a small leak can lead to mold infestations that are difficult to notice.
Mold Risks
If there are mold issues in your home, it is not only detrimental to the structure of your house, it is also detrimental to the health of you and your family. The percentages are high that someone in your family has a mold allergy. If they do have an allergy, and there’s even a small infestation in your home, you’ll quickly notice the symptoms. If someone in your family is suffering from an unexplained sore throat, sneezing, coughing, sinus headaches, congestion, respiratory issues, or irritated eyes and skin, you may have a mold problem.
Furthermore, aside from typical molds we see in homes throughout Huntsville, certain toxic molds can lead to internal bleeding, mental challenges (especially in children), cancer, and death.
So what can you do about mold? Scrub your walls? Manage your moisture issues? You can do those things, and you’ll have inconsistent results. With serious health issues on the line, do you really want to take the risk of putting a small band-aid on a larger mold problem?
What if there was a way you could get rid of mold issues for good? To ensure the health and safety of your family, go with the guaranteed results from Custom Pest Control. We offer services that will rid your home of its mold problems once and for all. Contact Custom Pest Control to get a consultation on mold issues today.