Huntsville's Handy Guide To Effective Cockroach Control
October 30, 2020
If you’ve ever seen a roach in the kitchen at night, it can be a haunting experience. That’s the worst part about having bugs in your home. Once you’ve seen a few, you worry about them at every turn. When you walk into the kitchen and turn the light on, did you really see something dart under the fridge? Or was it just your imagination because of the one time you saw a roach? You tell yourself it’s all in your head, and you tell yourself that, while roaches are disgusting, they’re not actually dangerous. But is that really true?

Huntsville Roaches: A Hazard To Health And Home
The three types of roaches that plague Huntsville is the German cockroach, the American cockroach, and the Oriental cockroach. The American cockroach is the largest of the three, a chilling inch and a half in length. These darkly colored roaches look very similar to the Oriental cockroach, which is typically an inch and a fourth long at the most. The way to distinguish these two is by their coatings. Even though both are brown/dark red, the Oriental cockroach has a shiny coating that gives them the appearance of an armored exterior.
The German cockroach, while being the smallest of the three, is by far the most troublesome, and, unfortunately, most common to the area. Their small size (less than half an inch long) gives them an advantage over other roaches. You see, roaches want to eat the food you leave out or the food you don’t put away correctly, so German cockroaches use their ability to squeeze into small spaces to their advantage. They’re much more likely to infiltrate places that you don’t want roaches to be. They’re typically tan or light brown and are sometimes mistaken for crickets.
No matter what kind of roach infestation you incur, you need to be thinking about more than just your food stores. Unfortunately, roaches are very dangerous to human health because of their typical habitats. When they’re not invading your home, they enjoy spending time in dumpsters, landfills, and sewers, collecting harmful bacteria along the way. Imagine roaches crawling around your kitchen at night in search of food. Now imagine all of the bacteria (which can cause diseases like salmonella and E.coli) these roaches are spreading all over your food preparation surfaces. And if that’s not enough, these roaches leave behind dangerous pathogens that can trigger allergic reactions when an infestation is severe enough.
Prevention Techniques
With the number of health risks that a roach infestation will bring into your home, prevention needs to be a priority. However, keeping roaches out can be very tough. Here are the best ways to limit your chance at an infestation:
Clean thoroughly and regularly: By vacuuming three or four times a week and getting the dishes done promptly, you’ll limit the number of crumbs and loose food that will attract roach activity.
Store food properly: Never leave food in the sink or on the counter overnight. If your leftovers aren’t put away securely, roaches will find a way in. Remember, German cockroaches can squeeze into very small spaces.
Address moisture issues: roaches love a damp, dark environment. That’s why they enjoy basements and under appliances. Make sure to check on your pipes and hoses throughout the property while keeping humidity levels down to avoid moisture issues.
Even if you do all of these things right, roaches might still cause a problem. The German cockroaches of Huntsville travel in large numbers and create severe issues in homes very quickly. To protect your peace of mind and guarantee results, the best method is to enlist on-going pest control assistance. Contact Custom Pest Control to find out how they can keep roaches out of your home for good.